Reckitt Benckiser is the force behind many of the world’s favourite household brands. Names like TigaRoda, Dettol, Mortein, Airwick, Brasso each number 1 in its segment.
Central to everything we do is a uniquely confident, entrepreneurial,can-do culture. It’s all about a passionate commitment to competing hard. To developing and rewarding talent. And ultimately, to winning.
PT Reckitt Benckiser Indonesia is seeking to form a quality team of the best professionals in the industry who will join the present team in providing the bench for future leadership in the company.
We are offering fast growth for the best prospect for following position:
Reporting to Factory Manager in Cileungsi factory
The job scope are:
* Supervising the day to day operations of the maintenance department,
upgrading and modification activities related to all physical operating systems of
plant facilities.
* Organizing and implementing long- and short-term maintenance and equipment life
cycle programs including overhaul or modification, installations, removal of
equipment, and associated programs such as safety, security, fire protection and
energy conservation.
* Developing and reviewing maintenance and safety procedures, standards and guidelines.
* Reviewing annual operating maintenance costs and project proposals,
approving estimates, preparing and managing budgets; preparing administrative and
technical reports for management and managing service and other external
maintenance contracts.
All candidates must have Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable university and possess 5(five) years experience in managing maintenance department at consumer goods factory. Knowledgeable in GMP and most preferably in TGA standardized principles and processes.
Fluent verbal and written both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
You must be achievers, having clarity of thought, high sense of commitment, ready to work and contribute in teams, willing to take challenges and responsibility, energetic, enthusiastic and fast learner.
Please send your application within 2(two) weeks enclosing your CV, write the position code on the upper left side of the envelope or in the email subject and mail it to:
Human Resource Department
PT Reckitt Benckiser Indonesia
Artha Graha Building, 20th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53,
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Or by email to [AT] reckittbenckiser [DOT] com
We offer an excellent compensation package with one of the most aggressive incentive plans in the industry.
If you have applied previously for any position during the last 1(one) year or have no relevant experience, kindly do not apply.
If you want to work with the best
You enjoy competing as much as winning
You believe in high rewards for high levels of performance
You’re right for Reckitt Benckiser – we’re right for you
Visit our site at for more details about us
Asri Damajanti
Head of HR
PT Reckitt Benckiser Indonesia
Label List
- Akademi Pariwisata/Perhotelan
- D1 atau sederajat
- D1 Teknik
- D2 Pendidikan
- D2 Umum
- D3
- D3 Akademi Sekretaris
- D3 Akuntansi
- D3 Desain Grafis
- D3 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- D3 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- D3 Elektro
- D3 Geologi
- D3 Hukum
- D3 Infomatika
- D3 Interior
- D3 Kimia
- D3 Komputer
- D3 Komunikasi/Public Relation
- D3 Mesin/Otomotif
- D3 Pendidikan
- D3 Perhotelan/Pariwisata
- D3 Pertambangan
- D3 Semua Jurusan
- D3 Statistika/Matematika
- D3 Teknik
- D3 Teknik Arsitektur
- D3 Teknik Elektro
- D3 Teknik Geodesi
- D3 Teknik Industri
- D3 Teknik Kimia
- D3 Teknik Mesin
- D3 Teknik Metalurgi
- D3 Teknik Sipil
- D3 Umum
- Fresh Graduate
- Institut Seni
- Lowongan Kerja Juli
- Lowongan Minyak
- online business
- S1
- S1 Administrasi Niaga
- S1 Akuntansi
- S1 Desain Grafis
- S1 Desain Interior
- S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- S1 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- S1 Elektro
- S1 Farmasi
- S1 Fisika
- S1 Hubungan Internasional
- S1 Hukum
- S1 Ilmu Komputer
- S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
- S1 Ilmu Sosial
- S1 Informatika
- S1 Kedokteran
- S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat
- S1 Kimia
- S1 Komunikasi
- S1 Manajemen
- S1 Manajemen Informatika
- S1 Matematika
- S1 Mesin
- S1 Perminyakan
- S1 Pertambangan
- S1 Pertanian
- S1 Peternakan
- S1 Psikologi
- S1 Public Relation
- S1 Sastra Inggris
- S1 Sastra Jepang
- S1 Semua Jurusan
- S1 Sosial
- S1 Statistik
- S1 Teknik
- S1 Teknik Arsitektur
- S1 Teknik Elektro
- S1 Teknik Geodesi
- S1 Teknik Geofisika
- S1 Teknik Geologi
- S1 Teknik Industri
- S1 Teknik Informatika
- S1 Teknik Kimia
- S1 Teknik Komputer
- S1 Teknik Lingkungan
- S1 Teknik Mesin
- S1 Teknik Metalurgi
- S1 Teknik Pangan
- S1 Teknik Pertambangan
- S1 Teknik Sipil
- S1 Teknologi Pangan
- S1 Teknologi Pertanian
- S1 Telekomunikasi
- S1 Umum
- S2 Accounting
- S2 Akuntansi
- S2 Antroplogi
- S2 Bisnis/Manajemen
- S2 Ekonomi Pembangunan
- S2 Finance
- S2 Hukum
- S2 Hukum Bisnis
- S2 Human Resources
- S2 Ilmu Sosial dan Politik
- S2 Kewirausahaan
- S2 Pemasaran
- S2 Psikologi
- S2 Semua Jurusan
- S2 Teknik
- S2 Umum
- SMEA/SMK/Sederajat
- SMU atau sederajat
- STM Bangunan
- STM Mesin
- STM Perkayuan
- STM Umum
- Umum
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