One of the world¡¦s fastest moving food company, today focus in
Dairy , Buiscuit and Beverages with notion concept of health and
well being products , currently is searching immediately :
The incumbent is responsible for providing secretarial support to
the VP Human Resource in areas involving correspondence, records,
reports, data files, etc. To dispatch service calls, answer the
telephone and keep the VP Human Resource¡¦s office running
efficiently and effectively.
The qualifications are:
~ Graduate from Diploma 3 program of the prominent secretary academy
(minimum GPA 3.00)
~ Minimum 5 years working experience as Senior Secretary in a multinational
company, preferably with Human Resource experience
Knowledge, skills, and ability requirement
- Knowledge of departmental policies, procedures, and organizational relationships.
- Knowledge of the organization, punctuation and composition of business
letters, reports, charts and tabular material.
- Knowledge of correct English usage, spelling and punctuation.
- Knowledge of software programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel,
Access, and PowerPoint.
- Knowledge of the organization and maintenance of filing systems.
- Knowledge of the techniques of receiving callers, making appointments and
giving information.
- Some knowledge of human resource practices
- Ability to compose letters and memorandum.
- Ability to maintain composure during stressful situations.
- Be courteous, polite, and trustworthy.
- Have an above-average interest in working with people, telephone and
computer systems.
- Be dependable and cooperative
- Have good accuracy with numbers.
- Be willing to work in a team environment, as well as independently.
- Have the flexibility to react quickly and appropriately to challenging situations.
- Be able to adapt to varied work situations
Please send your application letter with complete resume to:
Human Resources Division
Email: recruitment.tiv [at] danone [dot] com
Subject : Secretary to VP HR
on July 13, 2007 at the latest. Only qualified candidates will be
notified and invited for interview.
Label List
- Akademi Pariwisata/Perhotelan
- D1 atau sederajat
- D1 Teknik
- D2 Pendidikan
- D2 Umum
- D3
- D3 Akademi Sekretaris
- D3 Akuntansi
- D3 Desain Grafis
- D3 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- D3 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- D3 Elektro
- D3 Geologi
- D3 Hukum
- D3 Infomatika
- D3 Interior
- D3 Kimia
- D3 Komputer
- D3 Komunikasi/Public Relation
- D3 Mesin/Otomotif
- D3 Pendidikan
- D3 Perhotelan/Pariwisata
- D3 Pertambangan
- D3 Semua Jurusan
- D3 Statistika/Matematika
- D3 Teknik
- D3 Teknik Arsitektur
- D3 Teknik Elektro
- D3 Teknik Geodesi
- D3 Teknik Industri
- D3 Teknik Kimia
- D3 Teknik Mesin
- D3 Teknik Metalurgi
- D3 Teknik Sipil
- D3 Umum
- Fresh Graduate
- Institut Seni
- Lowongan Kerja Juli
- Lowongan Minyak
- online business
- S1
- S1 Administrasi Niaga
- S1 Akuntansi
- S1 Desain Grafis
- S1 Desain Interior
- S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- S1 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- S1 Elektro
- S1 Farmasi
- S1 Fisika
- S1 Hubungan Internasional
- S1 Hukum
- S1 Ilmu Komputer
- S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
- S1 Ilmu Sosial
- S1 Informatika
- S1 Kedokteran
- S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat
- S1 Kimia
- S1 Komunikasi
- S1 Manajemen
- S1 Manajemen Informatika
- S1 Matematika
- S1 Mesin
- S1 Perminyakan
- S1 Pertambangan
- S1 Pertanian
- S1 Peternakan
- S1 Psikologi
- S1 Public Relation
- S1 Sastra Inggris
- S1 Sastra Jepang
- S1 Semua Jurusan
- S1 Sosial
- S1 Statistik
- S1 Teknik
- S1 Teknik Arsitektur
- S1 Teknik Elektro
- S1 Teknik Geodesi
- S1 Teknik Geofisika
- S1 Teknik Geologi
- S1 Teknik Industri
- S1 Teknik Informatika
- S1 Teknik Kimia
- S1 Teknik Komputer
- S1 Teknik Lingkungan
- S1 Teknik Mesin
- S1 Teknik Metalurgi
- S1 Teknik Pangan
- S1 Teknik Pertambangan
- S1 Teknik Sipil
- S1 Teknologi Pangan
- S1 Teknologi Pertanian
- S1 Telekomunikasi
- S1 Umum
- S2 Accounting
- S2 Akuntansi
- S2 Antroplogi
- S2 Bisnis/Manajemen
- S2 Ekonomi Pembangunan
- S2 Finance
- S2 Hukum
- S2 Hukum Bisnis
- S2 Human Resources
- S2 Ilmu Sosial dan Politik
- S2 Kewirausahaan
- S2 Pemasaran
- S2 Psikologi
- S2 Semua Jurusan
- S2 Teknik
- S2 Umum
- SMEA/SMK/Sederajat
- SMU atau sederajat
- STM Bangunan
- STM Mesin
- STM Perkayuan
- STM Umum
- Umum
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