Academy for Educational Development (AED)
HIDC Indonesia is a task order under the focus on results: Enhancing capacity across sectors in Transition (FORECAST) contract with USAID. Its goal is to train a new generation of Indonesian civic, economic, and government leaders. It will strengthen the professional, managerial, and/or technical competency and performance of Indonesians and Indonesia organizations whose skills are necessary for transformational development in Indonesia, and to achieve and sustain USAID program objectives. AED is currently looking for:
1. Senior Program Specialist (SPS)
Be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day program operation, including participant
selection, pre-departure activities, marketing the program among the academic, private sector, and NGO communities in Indonesia. The SPS will assist the COP in conducting the annual training needs assesment, developing and implementing alumni activities and developing and implementing M&E plan. Criteria: 10 years experience with US international student programs, knowledge of US higher education system, project management, administration, and financial management, experience with alumni programs. Masters required.
2. Program Specialist (PS)
SP will suppaort the recruitment, selection, and in-country support of participants for long-term training. S(he) will handle all details related to preparing participants for program overseas. S(he) will confirm the return of participants following completion of their programs, administer follow-up questionnaires, and make the initial links of the returned participants into alumni association development efforts. Criteria: 3-5 years of relevant experience managing long-term training programs, working with alumni programs.
BA/BS required.
3. Program Assistant (PAS)
S(he) will provide on going administrative support for the recruitment, selection, pre-departure preparation and alumni coordination of participants for overseas training. Criteria: Relevant administrative experience, knowledge of project management and administration. BA/BS required.
4. Financial Manager
Work closely with AED Washington Financial Manager to track and analyze all costs incurred under the task order. Maintain financial records for all in-country expenditures. Keep COP and home office informed of the on going financial status of the project to ensure informed program management. Complete the monthly Field Office accounting report accurately and on time. Criteria: 5 year experience in financial management and reporting under US Government Contracts. BA/BS required.
Please submit your expression of interest and qualification by July 24, 2007 ato VAB, Jl. Bambu Kuning 8, Pasar Blok A. Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan.
Lowongan Kerja Juli
S1 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
S1 Umum
S2 Bisnis/Manajemen
S2 Umum
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