As one of the well established and fast growing pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, we are adding and expanding our market to accelerate our sales growth in the future. Therefore, we are looking for dynamic people to support our aggressive activities to reach the goal, to fill in the following positions:
Associate General Affair Manager (GAM)
Responsible in handling and coordintaing all GA duties: handling building, equipment and vehicle maintenance, scheduling and coordinating vehicle usage, manage all people in GA department.
Bachelor degree from any discipline. Min 3 years experience in handling all of GA duties in Supervisor level. Preferably male, max 35 years old. Computer literate.
Technical Support (TS)
Diploma/Bachelor degree in Information Technology or Management Information, with GPA min 3.00 (scale 4). Have a good knowledge about troubleshooting H/W PC, LAN, setting O/S Win 9x, Win XP, DOS. Male, max 28 years old. Experience in the same position min 1 years is a plus. Willing to travel. Vacancy for Semarang and Jakarta.
Junior Programmer (PRG)
Diploma/Bachelor Degree in Information Technology or Information Management. Fresh graduate or with some experience. Max 27 years old. Have a good knowledge and skill programming language (HTML, PHP, Visual Basic, MySQL, SQL, FoxPro and MS Access). Independent, initiative and willing to work hard.
Finance and Accounting Staff (FA)
Bachelor degree from Accounting, with GPA min 3 (scale 4). Fresh graduate or min 1years experience in the same position. Female, Max 25 years old. Computer literate, dynamic and willing to work under pressure. Vacancy for Semarang and Jakarta.
International Control Staff (IC)
Bachelor degree from Accounting/Finance/Management. Fresh graduate or with some experience, max 2 years experience. Preferably male, max 27 years old. Have own motorcycle. Computer literate.
We invite you to grow with us. Competitive benefit policy will be offered. Please send your resume, a current photo and relevant dicuments max August 3rd, 2007 to:
HRD Department PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Jl. Limo No.42 AB, Permata Hijau, Senayan, Jakarta 12220
Only excellent candidate will be notified and followed up to the next process.
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