Do you already have a children? I already have cute one. As a parents, one of the most frightening situations for me when my child becomes disobey my words. Joined free sex or caught by drugs or narcotics. I realize that I can't control their daily life, like what they should do and what they shouldn't do every time, it is almost impossible for every parents to do that.
Until, finally I found good tools to helps me monitor my child's activities. It is called phone-007 which was sold by purplegoods, an online channel selling web connected devices. Phone-007 is a web connect spy phone. Phone-007 looks and works like an ordinary phone. but it records every calls made on it, without let the user know. Phone-007 also records ambient sounds around the phone, such as conversation near the phone, funny noise in the bed room. As the owner of the phone, You can listen-in every details of calls from any other phones, all the recordings are securely stored on phone-007's network, It is free to playback at any time.
The different part between phone-007 and regular spy phone was on the recording technology, it doesn't use cassette or tape media but it use online storage. So, you can call the record from anywhere you like as long as you can access the phone-007 network. This must be good tools for me to do parenting control to my children's, such as get to know who is my children talking with and what the content of the conversations. If you feels as worried as I am, I suggest you to buy this phone-007.
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