Headquartered in Sam Ramon - California USA and conducting business in 180 countries, Chevron is engaged in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, marketing and transportation, chemicals manufactirung and sales, and power generation.
In Indonesia, Chevron is working in partnership with BPMIGAS (EXclusive Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities) for oil and gas with Pertamina for geothermal business and has long been recognized as a significant oil and gas producer and power provider.
To sustain profitable growth and build the organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now searching for 4+ years related experienced Indonesian nationals who possess relevant educational background and behaviour competencies to join the company in the following opportunities for our Operations:
(ES - PET) Petrophysicist
(ES - GSDP) Geophysicists - Seismic Data Processing
(FE - MTC) Maintenance Engineers - Mechanical
(FE - CON) Construction Engneers - Mechanical
(FE - DES) Design Engineers - Instrumentation and Control
(TECH - D&C) Sr. Drilling Technician
(TECH - ET) Electrical Technicians
(TECH - WT) Well Testing Technician
(HR - MOI) Sr. Medical Officer - Internist
(ALS - MED) Medical Analyst
How to Apply:
Please Open:
No later than July 27, 2007
(Please note the position code on email subject)
All application are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.
Lowongan Kerja Juli
S1 Kedokteran
S1 Teknik Elektro
S1 Teknik Geofisika
S1 Teknik Geologi
S1 Teknik Mesin
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