Who We are
Working with over 1000 partners in more than 70 countries, Oxfam is a global organization that aims to overcome poverty and suffering. We are proud of the differences we are making everyday, with our long-term programmes of development, as well as essential emergency relief. Currently, a key area of our work is aimed at alleviating suffering in Aceh and Nias, Indonesia caused by the recent tsunami and earthquake that left over 170,000 dead and 2 million homeless. Here, we work closely with local communities to support and accelerate the area's recovery.
Conference Organizer (Based in Banda Aceh)
The overall responsibilities are to organize and manage a high-profile international and smaller conference on women, disaster response and government policy. You will develop a variety of draft conference program options for finalizing with manager, finalize conference plans and implementation. The candidate is expected to have previous experience of managing similar scale international conference or having significant media/communication/advocacy experience. The ideal candidate will also be able to demonstrate management of complex, high profile projects under tight timelines, knowledge of humanitarian response and contemporary humanitarian themes including gender quality. Fluency in written and spoke English is mandatory. Starting minthly gross pay will be min IDR 10.800.000,-
Closing date: 14th July 2007
Human Resources Manager - Consolidation (based in Banda Aceh)
As a senior management team member, you will plan, lead and manage an effective organizational closure, ensuring that all legal and organizational requirements are adhered to and that the closure is achieved with minimal programme disruption. You will establish good working relationship with local authorities to ensure that Oxfam activities are developed and implemented in accordance with Indonesian legal requirements and consider "courtesy" expectations. You will ensure well-balanced gender equity and equality within the area of work and challenge any non-compliance to Oxfam's strategied and norms. You must have excellent analytical and critical thinking ability. You will have successfull track record of consistent personal achievement and experience at senior human resources management lebels in all functional areas; have extensive experience with and proven ability to implement organizational change management initiatives; proven project management and organizational skill with relevant experience in large-scale organizational closure activities; excellent communication, facilitating and influencing skill with ability to work with staff at all levels and be capable of representing Oxfam with external partners and organizations, often in high profile environments. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia is essential. Starting pay will be Euro 19,740 per annum net.
Closing date: 23rd July 2007
We're committed to actively achieving positive outcomes in all of our work. If you share this belief and have the strength of character to meet the challenges involved, this role offers scope for immense personal fulfillment - as well as outstanding opportunities to develop your career. Please send us your CV in English to:
acehjobs [at] oxfam [dot] org [dot] uk
Only shorted listed apllicants will be contacted. For more detail about our work, log onto http://www.oxfam.org.uk
Female candidates are encouraged to apply
We sill be doing rolling interviews with good candidates as we receive CVs/applications
Label List
- Akademi Pariwisata/Perhotelan
- D1 atau sederajat
- D1 Teknik
- D2 Pendidikan
- D2 Umum
- D3
- D3 Akademi Sekretaris
- D3 Akuntansi
- D3 Desain Grafis
- D3 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- D3 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- D3 Elektro
- D3 Geologi
- D3 Hukum
- D3 Infomatika
- D3 Interior
- D3 Kimia
- D3 Komputer
- D3 Komunikasi/Public Relation
- D3 Mesin/Otomotif
- D3 Pendidikan
- D3 Perhotelan/Pariwisata
- D3 Pertambangan
- D3 Semua Jurusan
- D3 Statistika/Matematika
- D3 Teknik
- D3 Teknik Arsitektur
- D3 Teknik Elektro
- D3 Teknik Geodesi
- D3 Teknik Industri
- D3 Teknik Kimia
- D3 Teknik Mesin
- D3 Teknik Metalurgi
- D3 Teknik Sipil
- D3 Umum
- Fresh Graduate
- Institut Seni
- Lowongan Kerja Juli
- Lowongan Minyak
- online business
- S1
- S1 Administrasi Niaga
- S1 Akuntansi
- S1 Desain Grafis
- S1 Desain Interior
- S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
- S1 Ekonomi/Manajemen/Akuntansi
- S1 Elektro
- S1 Farmasi
- S1 Fisika
- S1 Hubungan Internasional
- S1 Hukum
- S1 Ilmu Komputer
- S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
- S1 Ilmu Sosial
- S1 Informatika
- S1 Kedokteran
- S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat
- S1 Kimia
- S1 Komunikasi
- S1 Manajemen
- S1 Manajemen Informatika
- S1 Matematika
- S1 Mesin
- S1 Perminyakan
- S1 Pertambangan
- S1 Pertanian
- S1 Peternakan
- S1 Psikologi
- S1 Public Relation
- S1 Sastra Inggris
- S1 Sastra Jepang
- S1 Semua Jurusan
- S1 Sosial
- S1 Statistik
- S1 Teknik
- S1 Teknik Arsitektur
- S1 Teknik Elektro
- S1 Teknik Geodesi
- S1 Teknik Geofisika
- S1 Teknik Geologi
- S1 Teknik Industri
- S1 Teknik Informatika
- S1 Teknik Kimia
- S1 Teknik Komputer
- S1 Teknik Lingkungan
- S1 Teknik Mesin
- S1 Teknik Metalurgi
- S1 Teknik Pangan
- S1 Teknik Pertambangan
- S1 Teknik Sipil
- S1 Teknologi Pangan
- S1 Teknologi Pertanian
- S1 Telekomunikasi
- S1 Umum
- S2 Accounting
- S2 Akuntansi
- S2 Antroplogi
- S2 Bisnis/Manajemen
- S2 Ekonomi Pembangunan
- S2 Finance
- S2 Hukum
- S2 Hukum Bisnis
- S2 Human Resources
- S2 Ilmu Sosial dan Politik
- S2 Kewirausahaan
- S2 Pemasaran
- S2 Psikologi
- S2 Semua Jurusan
- S2 Teknik
- S2 Umum
- SMEA/SMK/Sederajat
- SMU atau sederajat
- STM Bangunan
- STM Mesin
- STM Perkayuan
- STM Umum
- Umum
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